Remove indoor humidity with a dehumidifier system
Central Air Conditioning System Dehumidifiers
In any Florida season, excess humidity in your home can make for an uncomfortable indoor environment. Dampness, stickiness, and odors are just a few of the many symptoms associated with air that has too much moisture. Honeywell has a solution with our Whole House Dehumidifier. Unlike portable units, a Whole House Dehumidifier is installed in your home’s central heating and cooling system, and works to eliminate excess moisture in all rooms throughout your home. Honeywell’s DH90 Dehumidifier features an integrated ventilation control that introduces outside fresh air into the home.
Key Features
• Up to 90 pints/day
• Packaged with H8908C Dehumidistat and W8150 ventilation controller
• Uses only 6.2 Amps for energy efficiency
• Built in Ventilation Port
• Provides MERV 11 filtration
• Meets American Lung Association® Heath House® Guidelines
• 5 Year Warranty
American lung association about Dehumidifiers 

American lung association about Asthma 

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